The next is an article on (that's short for Sports Illustrated for those of you who don't know) by Michael Rosenberg. It talks about the biggest falls from being a great team to an awful team in one year in all the major sports. But the first paragraph is what got me:
The Cleveland Cavaliers stink like old diapers dipped in sewage. They are so bad they lose their practices. (Average score: Starters negative-12, Backups negative-38.) They aren't just bad, they're toxic. When they watch Hoosiers, Hickory High loses.Read the rest of the article here.
One more note, that isn't really related to the Cavs awfulness, unless you are count every LeBron James highlight a jab to the team in Cleveland, is this play in the Heat-Pacers game last night. Simply amazing play by Dwayne Wade and James.
Anyways, have a wonderful day. The weather here in Indiana is a beautiful 60 degrees finally.