The roster in 95-96: Brent Barry, Terry Dehere, Antonio Harvey, Lamond Murray, Bo Outlaw, Eric Piatkowski, Pooh Richardson, Stanley Roberts, Rodney Rogers, Malik Sealy, Keith Tower, Logan Vander Velden, Loy Vaught and Brian Williams (aka Bison Dele).
The roster in 96-97: Brent Barry, Terry Dehere, Kevin Duckworth, Rich Manning, Darrick Martin, Lamond Murray, Bo Outlaw, Eric Piatkowski, Pooh Richardson, Stanley Roberts, Rodney Rogers, Dwayne Schintzius, Malik Sealy, Loy Vaught, and Lorenzen Wright.
Stanley Roberts
Rodney Rogers
Malik Sealy
Bison Dele
Dele is believed to have been murdered at sea by his older brother in 2002. In July 2002, Dele and his girlfriend, Serena Karlan, sailed on the South Pacific Ocean along with skipper Bertrand Saldo on Dele's catamaran, the Hakuna Matata. Dele's brother, Miles Dabord (born Kevin Williams), was the only person involved in the voyage who was seen or heard from after July 8, when the party was in Tahiti. Dele and Karlan had previously kept regular contact with their banks and family members. On July 20, Dabord was by himself when he brought the boat into Tahiti.
On September 5, police used a sting operation organized by Dele's family and friends to detain Dabord in Phoenix, AZ. Dabord had forged his brother's signature in order to buy US$152,000 worth of gold under his brother's name. He had used Dele's passport as identification. Mexican police later found that Dabord had been staying at a hotel in Tijuana, Mexico. Two days before, the Hakuna Matata, which had been registered in Tahiti under another name, was found off the coast of Tahiti with its name plate removed and some possible bullet holes patched. About the same time, Dabord phoned his and Dele's mother, Patricia Phillips, telling her that he would never hurt his brother and that he could not survive in prison.
The FBI became involved in the investigation along with the French authorities and concluded that Dele, Karlan and Saldo were probably killed, and then thrown overboard, by Dabord. Given that the bodies were likely dumped in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, it would be highly unlikely that the three would ever be found. Dabord, the only major source of information regarding the case, intentionally overdosed on insulin and slipped into a coma. On September 27, 2002, he died in a California hospital. After Dabord's suicide, officials did not expect to find much more regarding the case. Dele was 33 years old.
Kevin Duckworth
Dwayne Schintzius
In November 2009, Schintzius was diagnosed with leukemia. With a bone marrow donation from his brother Travis, he had bone marrow transplant surgery at the Moffit Cancer Center in Tampa on January 12, 2010. As of February, the surgery was considered a success.
Lorenzen Wright
Wright was last seen alive on July 18, 2010, at around 2 a.m., leaving his ex-wife's house and was reported missing by his family on July 22. His dead body was found July 28 in a wooded area in Memphis by Hacks Cross Road, near Winchester. ABC Channel 24 in Memphis reports that a 911 call was received from Wright's cell phone at 1:00 a.m. on July 19; the caller was speaking with the dispatcher when several gun shots rang out. The case is being investigated as a homicide.
So as you can see, something fishy was happening. Beware of any NBA player that played for the Clippers in 1996.